Saturday, 29 August 2009

Overwhelmed @.@ & Fun nights this week!

Yes.. it's the internet again! >.<~~~ Once, I had to wait in vain for 10mins just for a page to load, and still it ended up in nothingness so I shut it off...and run for the sake of the poor laptop (before I hurl it to the floor lolz)

Anyway, sorry havent been commenting around as much, the bad internet is one of the reason since some of blogs' comment page cant be accessed through my mobile phone. Plus this week I had a visit from a dear friend of mine from Korea, Jae. He and his friend were here for a short visit so I spent two nights out with them. He used to work in Thailand too,so through him I made more Thai's friends :)

At one of our nights out, we had some wonderful Korean foods (good for a change as Im pretty full of thai foods by now) There were 5 of us (Jae, Soon --Jae's Korean friend, myself, Ying & Ko --the thai friends)

Ko, Jae & meSoon & Ying

It was funny because only me, Jae and Ying speak English fluently. So we had three languages going on on the table, Korean, English, and Thai!! LOLZ but it was sooo much fun and somehow we managed to understand each other and ate and talked for more than 3 hours lolz....language is an amazing thing, but human understanding is even more astonishing hahaha... Anyway, when I arrived at the resto I was so hungry and I ate without taking any pics, towards the end I was tamer and took the last dish picture. Dokbukki!! my fave dish!!
Jae gave me this MISSHA lip palette lolz... I was really surprised because I didnt expect him to bring me anything, plus...guys and can they ever be together?lolz... so thanks alot Jae!!
Ok that's much is the major highlight of this week! Jae's visit really makes me happy because frankly I dont know when will be the next time we are going to see each other again :(

and before I go, here's something that I bought lately, I need a facial cleanser so I went to drugstore and pick this up. Never tried this brand but heard they are quite good, im more interested with the gifts. the mini mirror and comb are too cute to resist!! and it's pink too!! XD
Ok ladies, thats all for now!! have a good weekend!!

ps. As per my last post: I think I will attempt to find a cute tail and sport it when I see the hubby lolz XD

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Will I grow tail?? :0

FIRST of all. A BIG THANK YOU for all of you ladies who have taken time to give me your valuable opinions on my last posts!! thanks thanks thanks thanks :D really appreciate it, and if there's anyone else who still wanna do it, please feel free to do so :)

I'm admitting myself an easy and soft target to all those interesting advertisements out there. Here's my last falling lolz collagen drinks that is said useful in keeping the skin young & healthy & beautiful & bla bla bla...
I really cant read the labels because it's all in runes...I mean thais XD (oh, n that's apple cider drink that I loooveee). Anyway, I was chatting with hubby on the phone and I told her what I just bought..

Hubby: Collagen drink???what for??
Me: you know, it keeps the skin healthy and young..
Hubby: You sure? It's connective tissue..
Me: What do you mean?
Hubby: You might start growing unwanted parts of body, like an extra hand, or a tail....
Me: When you see me next, you'll be surpised at how much much younger I look!
Hubby: I'll be surprise at your new tail LOLZ XD
Me: -.-"""

Anyone know where to buy a good fake tail?I'd love to see his expression when he picks me up at the airport with pretty tail dangling behind me ^^"

And today after lunch, me and my friends walked pass this seller on the street who sells these stuff:

My French classmate was so happy when he saw it and started to order with impressive skills, pointing this and that (he lived in Malaysia for 5 years before, and hence very asian, he inhales tomyum). He insisted I should try, so I did ...and boy they are yummy!! tomorrow I will hunt for the seller again! Mine were stuffed with yam (i love yam!) and chives, and the siomay was quite delish!

Okies that's all today. I know many of you ladies are very busy these days, please remember to take aside some time to rest! :) I also notice I got some new followers!! thank you!! I try to follow all of you but sometimes some of you dont make their page available :) anyways, know that I thank thee for following me ;)


Friday, 14 August 2009

With me to the D-la-la-Land! Please lend me your help!! :D

First, there is an awesome giveaways from amorevintage.check it out, do check it out!

and next, I need a little help from all of you who reads my humble blog :D As you may (or may not, but now you do) know, I work with in jewerly industry, mainly diamonds. and now I'm trying to do a simple survey & collecting some opinions.

Let's wander along with me to the lazy-saturday-fantasy-land....
Imagine that we, blogerians have a big gathering in this wonderful imaginary D-la-la-land (D for Diamond XD) and each of us has a certain amount of money and we're off shopping for a new Diamond ring (Hmm..sounds like MY 'kind' of imagination!lolz).

now a short preview about diamonds' properties are below, for those who want to know (for those who already knew/familiar, please skip thru the questions)...

Diamond Color: Starting from D (the highest grade, the most expensive) E-F, G-H-I-J (nearly colorless/white) down to Z (light yellow)

Clarity (means the inclusion/impurity present within a diamond):
starting from F(Flawless) - No inclusion visible internally n externally
IF(Internally Flawless) - No inclusion visible internally
VVS (Very very slightly included) - Very tiny inclusion, to be seen with microscope
VS (Very slightly) - Abit more inclusion, but still difficult to see even when using 10x magnification loupe
SI (Slightly Included) - Inclusion not visible to naked eyes, unless using 10x magnification loupe
I (Included) - Inclusion ranged from not too clear to clearly visible to naked eyes

Diamond Size (in carat, 1ct = 0.2gram): To make things simple, let's say in the D-la-la-land there are only 0.5ct, 0.7ct, and 1ct. size available

OF course given a choice, we would all opt for D color, F clarity, and 1ct size (lolz) but, without meaning to burst the bubbles, this is not the case for today's imaginary shopping ^^"

The questions are, given all other factors are equal:
1. If, you only have enough money to choose a better grade of two properties and sacrifice the last one... which combination of properties would you choose...?
Good Color and Good clarity but lower carat size
Good clarity and bigger size but lower color grade
some other combination...
and if you dont mind, please tell me why so?

2. On a different but slightly happier case (because the other one is happy enough already), say you have enough money to buy 1 ct stone (WOOHOO), then all you have to do is to choose between better color/lower clarity or better clarity/lower color. which would you go for?you may elaborate on your answer :D

3. Lastly, do you prefer yellow gold or white gold setting for your solitaire ring (keeping in mind that yellow gold actually cost more, and retain better value than the white sister)

I would be ecstatic to know your answers!! thanksss so very much for joining my fantasy-bandwagon today (then again, it might not be fantasy at all because one day each of us, if not most, will come into possession of this beautiful gemstone one way of another) ;)

Have a nice day ladies!!

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

KYM's giveaway & Tag & Award & Evil connection!! :D

Before I begin, KYM from beecreative is having a very fun giveaways, check it out!!

Now, I've been quite bad in doing/passing tag and award, but the internet connection here is really not a mere excuse. I've been disc/re-connecting for 5 times now in total in less than 10 mins :D really, patience is a virtue!! ^^"
Ok, so I've been kindly tagged by the gorgeous adin and verina

and here's the rule:
* Open my first photo folder * Scroll down to the 10th photo * Post that photo and story on my blog * Tag five {or more} friends to do the same

Since I'm not using my own laptop, I chuck all pictures into one folder, therefore the 10th pic is (ok, just got disc and re-connect again, let's start the count XD)..and while searching for the pic, another disc & re-connect, 7 times in total...Here's the wedding rings that I (hopefully) am going to do for one of my clients, the lady is still contemplating between two rows or four rows of diamonds. Well, what else to say about this picture since it's pretty self-explanatory, it's work-related that's all XD

and another awards
Rules of acceptance:

1. Acknowledge the person who sent you the award.
2. Nominate 7 other blogs.
3. Share your 7 personality traits so we can get to know you better.

Some of my traits:
1. I'm faint hearted :D I don't ride extreme rides nor watch horror movie
2. I'm much too friendly (with no ulterior motives) a person. and got misunderstood many times -.-" but really, this world could do better with more smiles lolz
3. I'm a very homie person. I could stay home for during weekends just enjoying myself. When I was writing my thesis, I became a temporary hermit and stayed home for two months (except when throwing the garbage out) and still came out insane afterward.
4. I cry easily. I hate it but I can't really change it.
5. I got excited or panicked easily. Thanks God my husband is the total opposite of me
6. I am a carnivore. I get hungry every two hours so I try to eat small portion. My husband put curfews on my snacks T-T
7. I'm afraid of reptiles family. It's beyond normal it annoys my whole family and myself too!

(another disconnection and re-connection, 9th times)

Now I would like to tag:
(another disconnection and re-connection, 10th times)
(another disconnection and re-connection, 11th times)

OK!! these are all I could endure for today!! I'm supposed to tag more people but sorry, I think I will give up now. Me and Internet would never be friends in this country -.-"

Until my next post ladies!! *slapping the modem*

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Holla after a while :)

Hi gorgeous ladies!!
I've been MIA lately. So here's some updates and pictures :)

I've been extremely busy with classes, not only catching up on study (hubby went back to Aussie last week T.T),also liaising with some clients, and creating a new blog for my jewelry collections. Thanks God for internet and technology. I think now my face looks abit "rocky" and hopefully more "glowing" from looking at so many beautiful precious stones and rough minerals forms hahaha.. Some sneaky peaky pics from the class...

This little pinkish red is the former form of the world renowned "Ruby" gemstone

And here's the rough form of what is known as Quartz gemstone (colorless)

Rows of emeralds :)

and some interesting findings I saw while walking around the city :D

I've never seen people doing this so far, fortunately :P lolz

Err..busted? :D

Rows of yummy ice cream mochi *drool* they taste sooo good

HAHAHA... I was walking with hubby when he pointed me this sign :D it's legal for alien to get married on earth!! XD lolz

And lastly, last Wednesday night I went out to meet the gorgeous miss mona :))) we went for dinner at MaBoonKrong. I didnt take pics of the foods :P but she did. and It was sooo nice to see you Mona! we definetely should meet up again! :D I hope your flight back to NYC was less eventful ;)

No makeup lately as I've been very very busy. But I miss makeup and will do one or two looks very soon :D
I hope everyone is doing well *send swine-flu-free kisses around*
I will visit around your blog very very soon!!

God bless!! xoxo