My laptop is back sound and cleared off the annoying spyware *yippiee* But I lost most of the programs so I need to do some major installing later..
Anyway, during the eventful spyware attack since last week, I've been doing something new: B I K R A M yoga ^__^ actually this is not my first time doing yoga, but in term of doin yoga in a room with a minimum temperature of 39C (abt 102F), this is my very first experience :D . On my first class, I kept picturing a suckling pig gasping for breath (that's myself) in an oven. IT IS so HOT!! it's like summer on its peak, plus massive muscles works! I sweat super easily, and at the end of every class, I look like just stepping out of shower, only it's not water XP
here's the 26poses to do in every class
I can not do many of the poses perfectly haha, so inflexible :P but it's alot of fun, although I must admit the class is pretty tough. I always get an impulsive drive to get up and run from the room during my first few classes XD but thanks to God, human body is the most resilient thing and our muscles are unbelievably springy, after each class I can feel I'm a tiny bit more flexible than before lolz...
Im goin to Bangkok soon and was so happy because they have bikram yoga studio near where Im going to stay, and the PRICE there *eyes sparkling* month membership fee here can pay for 4 months of bangkok's class!!
have any of you tried bikram yoga before??
What do you think??
So after a class yesterday I went for a dinner with my buddy, and we ate at pancake parlour... here's what we had...
Cheese Kransky with eggs, pancakes & cream cheese
Beef Creepes with cheese, salad and tomato sauce (cant really see the crepes, it's bellow the greens) hahaha)
Cheese Kransky with eggs, pancakes & cream cheese
Beef Creepes with cheese, salad and tomato sauce (cant really see the crepes, it's bellow the greens) hahaha)
Apple Pancake
I just finished a yoga class, my friend just finished her gym session, so we were starving and ended up ordering too much hahaha.... we couldnt finish the dessert X(( I hate wasting food!!and Im currently reading:
I love science fiction & fantasy. IMO this book is veryyy good!! Im scrambling all over the internet to get the rest of the riftwar saga
allright ladies, need to run to the kitchen to make dinner before hubby is home :D
have a nice weekend everyone!!