I have used it several times and it's times to do review on it. I have mentioned how I love the sleek design and the white color... now that I have actually put the tool into action I have some thoughts that I'd love to share with you guys..
I can say overall I love this KARMIN hair styler because it lives up to its promise of super fast heating time..
The Pros are:
- Heats up real fast, I only use the 180 and 240 heat level, and it heats up in about (if not less than) 10 seconds.
- The heat last very long before it starts re-heat-ing again.
- Very lightweight. It's not a problem to carry this on my everyday bag
- I wish the ion plate is larger. I know I said I love the sleekness of the tool, but when it comes to using it to straighten hair (I have lots of hair) and make bigger curl, I found it a little bit hard.
Sorry for the bad angle, I took this pic quickly because hubby was already waiting on the door hahaha.. Basically I curled my hair with KARMIN and then arrange it with bobby pins. I really didnt have much time so I kinda did my hair without even looking at it until I finished everything -.-"
Here's the front view...
Didn't have time to finish all of the hair so I just ponny tailed the rest :p
And here's another look that I created a while ago for a contest, but I chickened out the last minute because I thought I didn't do a good job ^^"
I have another look that I did for another contest too, but I mixed up on the due date and missed the submission date hahaha...will keep that for my next post..lest I have nothing to blog about XD X3
I think I'm ready to go back into bloggingworld!! yay!!
Take care everyone!!